Welcome to 5th straight season!!

We have just completed our fourth year of Speed Camp. During those four successful years we have taken average athletes and molded them into superior beings. With Coach Martinez's state of the art techniques and workouts he has taken Taft High to the top of the high school athletic world.

Now some history on Speed Camp. Taft High's Speed and Strength Camp has grown through the years. The first year there were 17 athletes, all of whom were boys. The second year there were 50 athletes, all boys. The third year there were 75 athletes, 10 of whom were girls. The fourth year of Speed Camp there were 140 athletes, 40 of them were girls.

"As we become bigger, stronger, and faster we will become more and more competitive" --Coach Martinez

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Web Page Created By: Dylan Niblett, Tracy Neathery, David Coker, Ruby Moreno, & Jeremiah Twisselman